creativity is key



I’m a creative first and foremost! Making things is what I love most of all - brands, ceramics, paintings, pies, communities, and cocktails to name just a few.

To pay the bills I’m a designer with extensive experience and appreciation for design systems and modern typography. I focus on clean design and create work that is playfully simple. My work is full of bright color, bold pattern, and always has a handmade element. 

To not pay the bills I am an active collector of vintage jewelry, barware, and just about anything else that sparks joy. I also have a collection of plants and art that decorate my ever evolving home. And I travel whenever possible to see and experience new things - even if its a little trip to a new neighborhood.

Over all expressive messaging and brand strategy has become a big part of what I do. I specialize in craft, styling, and strategy. Let’s make something cool together!